
Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Experienced pattern maker advices on style

Experienced pattern maker advices on style.

Be distinctive in your style.

Take a close look at the following scenario. You arrive at a cocktail party, just a wee bit late,having orchestrated your arrival and grand entry.Everything is just as planned. You take one final look at the cocktail dress you are wearing, you are good to go, even though it could have been better!! your confidence however is in the amount you paid at that exclusive boutique, phew!. You still shudder at the cost but the attendant assured you it was the only one in the shop.

Well here you are at the top of the cliff, your moment of discovery!! You are already relishing this great moment that is about to be acted out. Gosh! you deserve it. Standing there at the very tip of the precipice about to take the plunge, will the experience be pleasurable enough to be compensatory?

You step in, and like Scarlet O'Hara in Gone with the wind, you make your grand entrance. Everyone turns to watch your entrance, only, instead of holding their attention for the duration of your act, all heads turn in different directions scanning the crowd. You are perplexed, so you follow their gaze and then WHAT? Who is that very legal blond bombshell wearing the same style and color of dress as you?

If the ground would just open at that moment to swallow you up, it would be a good respite from the turmoil you are experiencing at the moment. No such luck though, you walk on down the stairs, your carefully planned entrance in ruins, your composure and emotional state barely in check. You had no plan B. I leave the passage of time for you, at that cocktail party to your imagination.

Dear Friend, if you have never suffered the type of experience described above, then you are the exception rather than the rule. Many of you out there have had this experience at least once at a function where you carefully choose your dress and accessories believing you would stand out.!

This is the effect of mass production. It is the best thing that has happened in our time. Many more people can afford good clothing. It is however bad news to the aspiring fashionista. You need your own custom fit patterns for perfect fit clothes that would make you stand out.

You do not have to wear the same style and color of dress as any other person at any function no matter how many people turn up for the event. You are a unique individual. Your individuality must not be compromised. What you wear and how you wear it is like your signature to the world.

The secret of wearing graceful garments is in the making of the custom fit patterns. Someone seeing you for the first time, makes value judgements about you no matter how unfair you may think it is. Most people will determine your persona based on your appearance. The foundation of that appearance is your garment! HOW DO YOU WANT TO BE VIEWED BY YOUR WORLD? Do you want to be viewed as one of the masses? OR do you want others to judge you as DISTINCTIVE?

The choice is yours.

The clothes you wear reflect your personality and taste, they must bring out the innate beauty within. Your choice of clothes is a relative measure of your creativity and the attention you pay to details.Mass produced clothes have freed so many people from using their imaginations. We all just troop into stores and buy whatever is on the rack.

Where are those differences that exist in us humans that interprete our sensibilities? You must free your imagination to chose styles and designs of fabrics, make patterns and dresses that suit your personality and emotions. If you would like to know more about making your own patterns you can check out

Faith Ene.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Create Designer Patterns

Hello Again, I have spent the past two weeks working on so many things. Meetings to attend, some voluntary and others not so voluntary. The major stuff I have been doing is writing my e-book on "custom fit pattern making" to be launched on the 1st of May 2008. I relaxed a bit yesterday from the writing to make a pattern for a skirt and top for myself.

This is the advantage of knowing how to make patterns, you can sew any style you desire and when you desire it for yourself. Like I was saying, I took time off writing yesterday to design, make the pattern, cut and sew a skirt and top for myself. Check it out on my model form on the left.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Two tips in creating designer pattern

I am a newbie to blogging. Just joined today. My name is Faith Ene and I am a designer of clothing patterns and a dressmaker. Funny how the same word means so many different things to different people.
What does fashion designer mean to you? I will let you know ny thoughts in the next post
keep designing!!

Faith Ene

Create Designer Patterns