
Monday, August 11, 2014

How would Ad Retargeting impact my marketing? and when is right to use it?

Impact of Ad Retargeting on Marketing Perhaps while surfing the web, you’ve noticed a certain ad following you around the Internet as you move from website to website. And lo and behold, it’s an ad for a website you’ve visited recently. How did they know?!! This practice is called “ad retargeting.” If a surfer clicks on a pair of skinny jeans on one site, what better way to advertise said jeans than to show them again and again to someone who was already interested enough to view them? Markers or Browser Cookies: They Are Out There Hansel and Gretel of fairy-tale fame left breadcrumbs behind them as they walked through the forest so that they would be able to find their way home. Internet surfers leave behind cookies or small pieces of text behind as they surf the net, unintentionally. Some cookies are generated by the websites a person visits, so if you check out backpacks at LL Bean, they will store data about your visit on a cookie that then sits in your computer. Other c

What is the value of the hashtag on Twitter marketing? and how to use it

Twitter Marketing: The Essential Hashtag Twitter is a powerful (and free) marketing platform that you can leverage right now to gain new passionate brand ambassadors. One of the most important tools to that end is the hashtag. By making proper use of the hashtag, you can dramatically expand your reach. History The origin of the hashtag goes all the way back to ancient Romans. They used a similar tag to denote weights and other units of measure. This is why today, the hashtag is referred to as the “pound sign.” More recently, the sign saw use in assembly language, and then in IRC Internet groups. It was in the latter that the hashtag found its modern-day calling. Computer-savvy users in the early ’90s began to use the sign as a way of organizing chats by topic. Computer engineer and Firefox advocate Chris Messina pressed Twitter to adopt the hashtag in a similar capacity early on in the site’s history. Usage Clever Twitter marketers use the hashtag to organize their tweets arou

Saturday, August 9, 2014

What Methods Can I Use To Grow My Email List? 1. Blogging

Blogging has become the main and more prolific way information, articles, and videos are being published online to view. People turn to the internet for information, and also want to read from a regular writer. They want articles that inform, educate, and entertain. Since so many people receive these benefits from blogs, they’re also a great way to drive traffic to your site regularly. Creating a blog can take some work, but here’s a method I’ve used plenty of times that’s really simple. Setting up WordPress Before you can begin creating your blog, you’ll need a blogging platform. WordPress is easily the most popular option and with good reason. It’s powerful enough to run a big website, versatile enough to handle anything, and popular enough that there are countless themes and plugins for it. Setting up WordPress is as simple as can be. Most hosting plans will have an option to automatically install it onto your server with just the click of a button. Learn how to